Natasha Pilgrim | FAQ’s
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What Is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is one of the oldest forms of healing known to man. Although this ancient practice originated in China nearly five thousand years ago, it is still practiced today due to its effectiveness, and the fact that the laws and principles on which it is based still apply to every human being.

How does acupuncture work?

In Chinese medicine, a vital force called Chi energy is recognised in the body – this energy controls the working of every organ and bodily system. In order for our bodies to function correctly, the energy needs to flow freely, at the right strength and quality. When illness occurs, the flow of vital energy is impaired.

Acupuncture works by directly affecting the energy at special points along its pathway (called meridians). By gently inserting needles into these acupuncture points, energy can be drawn to a deficient organ, disperse an excess, remove a blockage etc., based on the individual needs of the patient. As the energy’s balance and harmony is restored, the patient’s symptoms (whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual) naturally disappear.

Is acupuncture safe?

When performed by a qualified and fully accredited practitioner, acupuncture is a very safe form of therapy. Licensed acupuncturists are trained and certified in clean needling techniques, which must follow strict safety guidelines.

Are acupuncture needles sterile?

All acupuncture needles are sterile, single-use medical devices. After each use, the needles are disposed of in a medical waste container. The safety guidelines that must be adhered to by licensed acupuncturists stipulate the use of sterile, disposable needles to minimise the risk of infection.

Will the needles hurt?

As the needles are about the width of a hair, insertion is often hardly felt. You may notice a slight pin prick, occasional sharpness or a dull ache, but these sensations are temporary and much less painful than a standard medical injection.

As acupuncturists move chi, you may feel a dull ache or spreading sensation when it moves. During the treatment, needles may be left in for some time (upwards of an hour) and some may be inserted, turned and removed. If needed, there will be time for you to rest after your treatment.

I’m scared of needles – can I still get acupuncture?

There’s no need to avoid acupuncture just because you’re afraid of needles! There are alternative acupuncture therapies available, including non-needle treatment options such as moxibustion, cupping, and gua-sha (scraping technique). If you’re concerned about the needling aspect of acupuncture, talk to Natasha first and she can discuss the best approach for you. You can also take a look at the needles and have a demo beforehand, if preferred.

What kind of acupuncture needles are used?

The most common acupuncture needle used today is a metal filiform (thread-like) needle, made from stainless steel. Occasionally, silver or gold needles are used. Acupuncture needles come in different gauges (diameters) and lengths, designed to be inserted into different areas of the body.

Do acupuncturists in Australia need to be registered or licensed?

Yes, all acupuncturists, along with any practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine, must be licensed by the Australian Health Practitioners Agency (AHPRA). AHPRA sets standards and policies that all acupuncturists must meet in order to practice Chinese Medicine.

Can acupuncture treatment help with non-physical problems?

Absolutely! Classical acupuncture views body, mind and spirit as whole, so all physical disorders will cause an imbalance in the mental and spiritual levels of a person. This might present as depression, anxiety, anger, sadness or other non-physical symptoms. Similarly, mental conditions such as stress and emotional conflict will have an effect on the physical body, such as insomnia, lack of appetite, fatigue, menstrual irregularities, migraines, lower immune defences, aches and pains etc. This is why classical acupuncture treatments are designed to restore harmony of body, mind and spirit, by treating the physical and non-physical aspects together.

Can I have acupuncture along with other medication or medical treatments?

Yes, acupuncture can be used in conjunction with other medication or medical treatments. It’s important you let Natasha know what medication you are taking, so she can consider this when planning your treatment. As you progress with your acupuncture, you may find your need for certain drugs decreases and you might be able to reduce or discontinue your medication. It’s essential you discuss this with your prescribing doctor.

What is Five Element Acupuncture?

Classical Five Element Acupuncture is an ancient form of acupuncture that seeks the emotional or spirit level cause for distress. Five Element Acupuncture aims at healing a person at the levels of mind, body and spirit. See ‘How does acupuncture work?’ for more information on acupuncture as a practice.

What is the fundamental difference between Traditional Chinese Medicine and Five Element Acupuncture?

A Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner will tend to focus on physical symptoms and the treatment/elimination of these symptoms. A Five Element practitioner meanwhile will be more focused on the emotional and spiritual elements of the imbalance, in order to treat the root cause of the disharmony. Underlying all Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners is the insight that the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of a person are interconnected and exist within a larger web that includes the entire cosmos – this is what makes Chinese Medicine so unique and powerful.

What does the ‘constitutional element’ mean in Five Element Acupuncture?

Five Element Acupuncture considers that there is one main cause behind the majority of a patient’s presenting symptoms. This is thought to be due to a constitutional weakness, developed through birth or early childhood, that impedes the flow of energy. This weakened element is known as the patient’s constitutional element.

Can Five Element Acupuncture assist with anxiety?

It certainly can. Acupuncture is a powerful treatment for conditions such as anxiety and depression, at all different degrees. Interestingly, in Traditional Chinese Medicine, anxiety is not viewed simply as a brain dysfunction, but as an inner organ dysfunction.

What type of counselling practises does Natasha use?

Natasha’s counselling work involves the following practices:

  • Non-Violent Communication (NVC) tools and techniques (see ‘What is Non-Violent Communication?’)
  • Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) (see ‘What is EFT?’)
  • Mindfulness practices
  • Guided meditation and visualisation exercises
  • Integrated counselling working with mind and emotional body
What is Non-Violent Communication?

The practice of Non-Violent Communication (NVC) is based on historical principles of non-violence – the natural state of compassion when no violence is present in the heart. NVC teaches us to clarify our behaviours and emotions, and understand the values we expect of ourselves and others; it allows us to move away from blame, judgement or dominance, to embrace the joy of self-compassion towards ourselves and those around us.

What is EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)?

EFT is a fast-evolving treatment within the field of Energy Psychology, drawing on traditional Eastern healing practices that have been around for over 5000 years. EFT works by releasing blockages within the energy system that are the source of emotional discomfort and disharmony, leading to symptoms such as low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, physical pain, and compulsive/addictive behaviours.

How does EFT connect to acupuncture?

EFT is often referred to as ‘psychological acupressure’, as it uses acupuncture points to release energy blockages. However, rather than needles, EFT treatment uses fingertips to tap on the end points of energy meridians located below the surface of the skin. This means it’s a non-invasive practice that’s totally pain-free!

Working With Natasha
What happens during the initial examination?

The initial examination takes up to an hour and a half. It includes a thorough review of your medical and personal history, description of complaints, a review of the functioning of bodily systems, and a physical examination.

In the physical examination, Natasha will take the Chinese pulses (usually felt at the wrist), which allow her to determine the state of the energy of each of your major organs and functions. The diagnostic tools of classical Chinese Medicine include analysing aspects such as your facial colour, vocal sound, emotion and odour – these will enable an assessment of the condition of your Chi energy, to determine the underlying cause of your symptoms. Based on all this information, Natasha will develop a unique treatment plan for you.

How many treatments will I need?

This will vary from person to person and can depend on factors like the severity of the condition, how long you’ve suffered from it, and lifestyle and other contributing factors. Usually, treatments are performed once a week for the first 6-8 weeks; as you start to improve, you can reduce your visits to fortnightly or monthly.

As acupuncture is designed to be preventative as well as curative, it’s advisable for healthy patients to still come in for periodic check-ups and maintenance. By checking your pulses, Natasha can establish whether anything is going wrong in the body long before it presents itself as a visible symptom.

How long will my session take?

Session times with Natasha range from 1 to 2 hours, and involve a different combination of treatments depending on your chosen package.

Package 1: Holistic Counselling Package = 1 hour

Package 2: Holistic Counselling + Acupuncture Package = 1.5 hours

Package 3: Holistic Counselling + Acupuncture + Energetic Healing Package = 2 hours

Prior to your treatment, there’ll be ample time to discuss how you’ve been feeling and what’s happening in your life – this is essential for Natasha to determine the right treatment at that particular time.

What type of treatments are offered?

Natasha offers three packages, covering holistic counselling, acupuncture and energetic healing. Below is a breakdown of each package, including who the package is suited to, what it involves and how it helps. For details of the techniques Natasha uses, go to

What types of tools and techniques does Natasha use in her practice?

Holistic Counselling Package

1:1 session | 1 hour | $95

A powerful holistic counselling session designed to empower, strengthen and nurture. By overcoming self-limiting thoughts and patterns, you’ll be supported to reclaim your life as you learn to embrace your worthy and beautiful self.

Who is it for?

  • You want to empower yourself by working through self-limiting thought patterns that are holding you back
  • You’d like to learn more about self-respect and self-compassion
  • You struggle with anxiety, stress, depression, overwhelm, exhaustion, or adrenal fatigue
  • You suffer from chronic pain (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual), indigestion, headaches, or sleeping problems
  • You want to know how to set boundaries and be more assertive
  • You need help managing trauma, change and transition

What does it involve?

  • A 1:1 counselling session with Natasha, incorporating a range of holistic counselling practices including Non-Violent Communication, Emotional Freedom Techniques, and mindfulness.

How will it help?

Working with Natasha in this 1:1 session, you will learn how to:

  • Practice self-compassion and become more loving, respectful and nurturing towards yourself
  • Identify and address self-limiting patterns, self-sabotaging thoughts, emotional ‘blocks’, and defence mechanisms
  • Say ‘yes’ to life and move forward through fear and anxiety
  • Be open to receiving freedom, empowerment, joy and fulfilment into your life
  • Better manage stress using practical tools
  • Balance internal masculine and feminine energies
  • Manage ‘overthinking’ negative thought patterns
  • Address co-dependent behaviours and love addictive patterns
  • Work with shame and the inner critic

Holistic Counselling + Acupuncture Package

1:1 session | 1.5 hours | $145

This deeply integrated session begins with holistic counselling to identify habitual patterns and self-limiting beliefs, followed by a tailored acupuncture session to address these areas. Focusing on mind and body in unison enables a deeper, more profound level of healing.

Who is it for?

  • You’d like to address your emotional or physical distress in a holistic way that heals both mind and body
  • You want to empower yourself by working through self-limiting thought patterns that are holding you back
  • You’d like to learn more about self-respect and self-compassion
  • You struggle with anxiety, stress, depression, overwhelm, exhaustion, or adrenal fatigue
  • You suffer from chronic pain (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual)
  • You want to know how to set boundaries and be more assertive
  • You need help managing trauma, change and transition

What does it involve?

  • A 1:1 counselling session with Natasha to identify habitual patterns and self-limiting beliefs, followed by a tailored acupuncture session addressing the specific challenges and problem areas identified in your counselling.
  • Based on the insights uncovered in counselling, Natasha will identify which acupuncture points are needed in order to target specific emotional blocks on the body.
  • Your pulses are read and moxa and/or needles are applied. The response to the treatment will be assessed by reading the pulses.
  • After treatment, you may wish to spend a few minutes relaxing on the treatment table to allow the energetic changes to settle. Dietary and other lifestyle recommendations will be discussed at appropriate times throughout treatment.

How will it help?

  • The combination of counselling and acupuncture allows us to deeply integrate what has been processed through the counselling, and clear deep-rooted blocks held at a cellular level.
  • As physical pain and discomfort is often created through stress and imbalance, working holistically will promote overall health and wellbeing.

Working with Natasha in this 1:1 session, you will learn how to:

  • Let go of self-limiting patterns and move through any resistance your body is holding onto
  • Learn to practice self-compassion and become more loving, respectful and nurturing towards yourself
  • Say ‘yes’ to life and move forward through fear and anxiety
  • Become open to receiving freedom, empowerment, joy and fulfilment into your life
  • Better manage stress using practical tools
  • Balance internal masculine and feminine energies
  • Manage ‘overthinking’ negative thought patterns
  • Address co-dependent behaviours and love addictive patterns
  • Work with shame and the inner critic

Holistic Counselling + Acupuncture + Energetic Healing Package

1:1 session | 2 hours | $190

This deluxe transformative package uses a powerful combination of three healing modalities to truly change your life. Taking you progressively deeper into the healing journey, an incredible trio of counselling, acupuncture and energetic healing will empower you to let go of all resistance and be open to receiving deep and life-affirming healing.

Who is it for?

  • You’re ready to go deeper into your healing journey, for results that have the power to transform
  • You’d like to experience therapy on the cellular level, where deep-rooted patterns are held
  • You want to empower yourself by working through self-limiting thought patterns that are holding you back
  • You’d like to learn more about self-respect and self-compassion
  • You struggle with anxiety, stress, depression, overwhelm, exhaustion, or adrenal fatigue
  • You suffer from chronic pain (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual)
  • You want to know how to set boundaries and be more assertive
  • You need help managing trauma, change and transition

What does it involve?

  • An ultra-deluxe combination of holistic counselling, tailored acupuncture and powerful energetic healing.
  • First, counselling will help us to identify the self-limiting beliefs and habitual patterns that are holding you back
  • Next, a customised acupuncture session will address these areas in the body, targeting specific meridian points. • Your pulses are read and moxa and/or needles are applied. The response to the treatment will be assessed by reading the pulses.
  • Finally, energetic healing will be used to clear blocks such as trauma, stress, false beliefs and physical distress, helping to repair and rebalance energy in order to restore your life’s balance and maintain health and wellbeing.
  • After treatment, you may wish to spend a few minutes relaxing on the treatment table to allow the energetic changes to settle. Dietary and other lifestyle recommendations will be discussed at appropriate times throughout treatment.


How will it help?

  • By combining these three powerful healing modalities, we are able to address mind, body and spirit in unison in order to bring about profound and transformative healing.
  • The addition of energetic healing enables a rebalancing of internal energy to maintain flow and help the body perform at an optimum level.

Working with Natasha in this 1:1 session, you will learn how to:

  • Let go of self-limiting patterns and move through any resistance your body is holding onto
  • Learn to practice self-compassion and become more loving, respectful and nurturing towards yourself
  • Say ‘yes’ to life and move forward through fear and anxiety
  • Become open to receiving freedom, empowerment, joy and fulfilment into your life
  • Better manage stress using practical tools
  • Balance internal masculine and feminine energies
  • Manage ‘overthinking’ negative thought patterns
  • Address co-dependent behaviours and love addictive patterns
  • Work with shame and the inner critic
Why is the combination of counselling and acupuncture so effective?

Natasha’s unique combination of bodywork and counselling can help clients access deep unconscious patterns present in their daily lives. Traumatic events that have not been fully resolved and integrated may be stored in the body at a cellular level. Working with the body as well as the mind encourages these ‘blocked’ energies to come to the surface to be released. Acupuncture can help to open these channels in the body for this release to occur.

A nurturing touch from a trained body worker can calm the nervous system, which integrates the mind-body pattern. This leads to enhanced self-awareness, allowing feelings to be released in a safe environment. In addition, an accomplished bodywork practitioner is trained to notice where emotions are held in the body. If left unattended, these long-term emotional blockages can manifest directly in the body; this can include muscular tension, headaches, changes in posture and chronic pain, which could lead to more serious conditions.

When certain emotional release points on the body are stimulated, or when pressure is applied skilfully to chronically tense areas, long suppressed memories have the opportunity to be released, and so healing can occur.

What will I notice after my treatment?

After a session, clients have reported feeling more at ease, calm and more emotionally receptive. Through this relaxed state they are able to access thoughts and feelings more readily, with an ability to engage in a deeper exploration. As a result, there has been quicker and smoother progress towards achieving goals in therapy.

As acupuncture is aimed at creating homeostasis in the body, mind and spirit, it’s important to undergo weekly sessions during initial treatments. Depending on the severity of the condition, you are likely to notice change within 4-6 weeks.

What types of tools and techniques does Natasha use in her practice?

Counselling practices:

  • Non-Violent Communication (NVC) tools and techniques
  • EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique
  • Mindfulness practises
  • Guided meditation and visualisation
  • Integrated counselling working with mind and body

Acupuncture practices:

  • Five Element Acupuncture tools and techniques
  • Use of moxa* to stimulate and bring heat to the body
  • Use of acupuncture needles to stimulate meridian points
  • Use of acupuncture to treat the spirit and emotions
  • Identifying your elemental constitution
  • Pulse and tongue diagnosis

*Sometimes, points are heated with a special herb called Artemesia Vulgaris Latiflora (called moxa), which resembles brown wool. Usually, a tiny cone of moxa is placed on the skin over an acupuncture point, ignited, and removed when the heat is felt. Like needles, moxa revitalises, reinforces, invigorates, and restores balance and harmony to the vital energy.

Energetic healing practices:

  • Auric clearing
  • Hands-on healing through Reiki or guided intuitive processes
  • Sound therapy through voice, bell, rattle or singing bowl
  • Colour therapy


Why is mindfulness such an important part of my healing process?

There is significant scientific evidence proving the many benefits of mindfulness. For example, mindfulness can help you to:

  • Relieve stress
  • Improve sleep
  • Manage depression and/or anxiety
  • Reduce anger and moodiness
  • Improve memory
  • Make learning easier
  • Improve your problem-solving ability
  • Feel happier
  • Be more emotionally stable
  • Improve your breathing
  • Reduce your heart rate
  • Improve your circulation
  • Improve your immunity
  • Cope better with pain
Clinic Hygiene and Policies
How is hygiene maintained in the clinic?

Hygiene is of the utmost importance, especially when working with acupuncture needles. All needles are packaged in sterile sealing and used only once. The needle is disposed of after treatment into a regulated sharps container. All sheets and linen are washed on a daily basis, to ensure the highest standard of hygiene in the clinic space.

What is your privacy policy?

In your initial consultation with Natasha, an extensive case history will be developed, which is vital for achieving the correct diagnosis and ensuring Natasha has a full understanding of your medical history. All information shared with Natasha is strictly confidential, unless you provide consent for the information to be shared. Please note, you are advised to arrive ten minutes early to your first session to allow time for this initial consultation.

Do private health funds cover the cost of acupuncture?

Private health funds are increasingly willing to reimburse for acupuncture treatments – you’ll need to check your own private health fund carrier for covered acupuncture benefits. You may find these benefits under ‘complementary’ or ‘alternative’ treatment in your health fund booklet. If acupuncture is not listed, you may wish to check with your health fund provider about how to gain coverage. Natasha holds provider numbers for most health funds. The rebate you receive will depend on the contract you hold with your health fund.

What happens if I cancel an appointment?

Cancellations with less than 24 hours’ notice will incur a 50% cancellation fee.

Why does 1% of Natasha’s proceeds go the Orangutan Project?

Natasha is passionate about giving back where she can. Supporting the Orangutan Project is something that is dear to her heart.

Payment, Bookings and Contact
How much does a session cost?

The cost of your treatment will vary depending on your chosen package, as follows:

Package 1: Holistic Counselling $95 (1 hour)

Package 2: Holistic Counselling + Acupuncture $145 (1.5 hours)

Package 3: Holistic Counselling + Acupuncture + Energetic Healing $190 (2 hours)

Maintenance session: Holistic Counselling + Acupuncture $95 (1 Hour)

What payment methods are accepted?

Natasha accepts payment via Visa, MasterCard, Bankcard and EFTPOS. Please note, there is a minimum transaction fee charged to your card.

How do I book a session or get in touch?

If you’d like to schedule an appointment – or if you have any additional questions – please email Natasha on or send an enquiry via the online contact form.

Contact Natasha